Monday, January 21, 2013

little things

1. Today I bought a BODY PILLOW.
2. I was able to hang out with both Grandma Janice and Grandma Colleen this weekend. They both just kept cracking jokes!
3. BYU basketball is my fave. Tyler Haws.
4. Still in love with that ginger. See below.
5. Amy came to church with me yesterday!
6. Awkward situations are best dealt with unawkwardly.
7. Anyone want to go to a monster truck rally with me on Saturday?
8. I tried to win tickets to OneRepublic on Friday. Apparently my text to the radio station that said, "PICK ME! RYAN TEDDER IS MY FAVORITE GUY!!!!!!!" wasn't enough.
9. Read a little book on Friday called, Lola and the Boy Next Door. I love boys next door. And I love chick lit. But this week's target is 1984, because I have never even read it. I'm reading a book a week this year, ps, alternating between real literature and sugary desserts.
10. this picture was finally posted to facebook:

read: I was in an interesting mood this evening.

11. and this one:
read: water balloon smacking me in the face, mid-cartwheel. And you can see the water splash.
12. Oh, and this one:
read: the dream team.
13. And, just for fun, let's hearken back to this gem:
just because there was a giant walrus. btw, drake's pants are about to rip.


Calista said...

That picture of you? The first one? I literally snorted with laughter. Thank you for having the self confidence necessary to share it with the world.

That is why we are friends.

Stephanie Lin said...

I find nothing abnormal with that picture of you. You look just like yourself. ;)

Stephanie Lin said...

Another thing: It's hilarious that my texts to the radio station looked like this:


"PICK ME!!!!"


And neither of us won.

Stephanie Lin said...

One more thing: I'm tired of trying to prove I'm not a robot. Maybe I am. These little codes I have to deciper to do so are the hardest thing I do all day.