Tuesday, April 28, 2009

I am officially the coolest person you know.

I am now the owner of a READER'S CARD AT THE LIBRARY OF CONGRESS!!!! Do you understand the significance of this??? It's the fulfillment of a life-long goal! I now have access to EVERY BOOK IN THE COUNTRY!!!! I can't check anything out, of course, only members of congress have that privilege, but I can read them!! YAY ME!!!
Do you see my picture on that card?? And my name???!!! Life is complete.

So, I had all day to do whatever I wanted because everyone else started their internships today, but I don't start until May 12th. So, I went shopping in Georgetown, then went to get my card! I just walked right in to the front desk and said, "I would like a reader's card, please." The lady said, "Well, are you doing research?" So I said, "Why yes. I am an intern here for the summer, and I have to do a research project." But honestly, what I wanted to say was, HECK YES I'm doing research! I can read these books and learn everything. I'm doing research for my WHOLE LIFE!" So, the lady sent me to the other building of the library, I filled out the papers, and they took my picture and printed out my card. I left fulfilled and victorious. Best thing ever!

Then, I went down the Mall past the Capitol building and to the National Gallery of Art. I only went in the East building, and I looked at a whole bunch of really cool medieval and 19th century French Art. It was super cool. I was getting pretty tired and really hot by this time, so I just went to the Smithsonian castle and looked around. Pretty sweet. But what I really love about Washington, though, is that there are really cool statues and memorials all around! I love it. Until tomorrow. :)


Moe said...

And I thought it was cool that I found a book from the 1800's in my closet! geez....

Audrey said...

I love that you are hanging out in DC and doing whatever you want! That is AWESOME!! I'm so jealous...

Stephanie said...

Truly the coolest. :) Love reading about what you are doing. Sounds so fun!

Lorina said...

ahhh! I'm so jealous!

Jennifer said...

Oh Aud! All those books at your fingertips! I'm freaking out! That is SO cool! Will you take pictures for me?? I want to see the rows of shelves of all those MARVELOUS books!!

Gretchen said...

What a great adventure you are on. Have fun and enjoy every moment!

Gretchen said...

PS.... I'm Darbi's Grandma (still so wierd to say)