Monday, April 27, 2009

Backup, honeys. I forgot to post about this before.

The last couple days of the semester were stressful, very sad, but very fun. It was really hard to drive away on that last day, because I feel like I've lived in my little, perfect, BYU, fairy tale bubble for the last two years, and once I drove away, I knew it was over. I can't ever live with all those girls again. I am very upset about that. I actually try not to think about it. Never mind, I'm not going to talk about it anymore.

But anyway, those last three days were mostly packing, cleaning, and studying days, because, after all, we still had finals to take. But, we did some fun stuff too. On Tuesday night I convinced Meghan and Rachelle to go on a little adventure with me. Rachelle ran, Meghan biked, and I rode my roller blades. It was seriously a blast from the past. I looked exactly like the 90s. We rode around for a while, and then went to visit our friend Jake, which is always a pleasure. The second thing we did was draw with chalk. Me and Meg did this just minutes before I had to leave. My car was already packed. We traced ourselves on the ground and everything. I love sidewalk chalk.

And that is the end. Literally. It's all over. I'm out of Provo, and I won't be living there for a long while. Adios.

Also, don't forget to read the post below this one. It's all about Washington!!!

1 comment:

Spencer & Kaitlin said...

We are so cute...i miss you and love you and you look like you are having a great time in DC...I am soooo excited to see you in a few weeks even if it is for a day..YAY!!! I have been so busy with wedding plans...but I will definitely call you soon about stuff and things you need to get ready for!! I LOVE YOU!!