Friday, December 25, 2009

That's better.

Click on this LINK.

Maybe I just need to move to the UK.

Notice that Meyer woman at #23. JKR is #1. Yep.

And notice JRR Tolkien. #25. Still at the top after all these years. Shakespeare, Dickens, and Dr. Seuss are on there too.

This website places Harry on the list, and NOT Twilight. I like them.

This one includes HBP (Half-Blood Prince), and not ONE of the Twilight books. It is a list of best books of the last 20 years, and they were voted on by ACADEMICS.

Sorry I suddenly got so fierce about this. That's all.

1 comment:

Ron and Maggie said...

both books are good audrey... be nice. hahaha love ya!