Tuesday, October 12, 2010

"It's mine. I bought it."

Quoted: Justin Bieber

I share his sentiment. In this funnyordie.com video, he buys a club so he can do whatever he wants with it. That just happens to be turning it into a Chuckie Cheese. Noble decision.

So I realized today that it actually really bugs me when people take my candy. Well, not just people, but boys that already bother me and then they take my candy without asking. Why would I notice this trend? How is it possible that it would have happened to me enough times that this would register on the list of Audrey's pet peeves?

Well, it only had to happen twice.

1. In 9th grade, students were given a candy bar for their birthday in seminary. On my birthday, I was super stoked to receive a Snickers bar, my favorite favorite candy bar. I opened the package and took one delectable bite. Then, it was time for the prayer. I folded my arms, still holding the candy bar in my fist, bowed my head, and closed my eyes for the prayer. During said prayer, my candy bar was STOLEN out of my hand, bitten off of, and placed back in my fist. And this was all before the prayer was over. I looked behind me to see my nemesis: an unnamed rude boy and graduate from Dixie High School, class of 2006. A boy who when I think of him, still puts a bad taste in my mouth. I had to break off another large piece of my candy bar to get his cooties off it, and was left with less than half a candy bar. And I had only been able to take one bite. I was seriously annoyed. And angry.

2. Today I brought mini Reeses Peanut Butter Cups to my practicum class for part of the lesson I had to teach. I left the bag open on my desk when I went up to the front of the room to get something, and when I came back, the obnoxious, too-smart-for-everyone boy that sits in front of me was EATING A REESES! I actually gave him a stern, annoyed look, took the bag from off my desk and placed it in my backpack, away from stupid boy who thought it was okay to steal my candy. Not okay.

Unreasonable? I think not.

So annoying, candy stealer boys: Remember, the candy is mine. I bought it.


Moe said...

How rude! On both accounts! I'm curious to know who the unnamed boy from the class of 2006 is.

I hope your practicum is going well! Other than snotty boys of course.

Calista said...

Are you telling me that during a prayer a candy bar was wrenched from your grasp and placed back in your hand and you didn't open your eyes even a tiny bit? That is devotion to the eye-closed-during-a-prayer cause. And who does this kid think he is anyway? If he wanted your saliva-y candy bar that bad, that is intense.

Where is your practicum at? What grade? And I've learned the food lesson the hard way too - it has to be out of sight or else.

lene b said...

this is hilarious and horrendous at the very same time! although i must say that i am more mortified by the seminary boy during the PRAYER than college boy in class. because we all know (and expect) college boys (especially the ones in a secondary ed major) to be dumb.