Wednesday, April 7, 2010


(I'm not exactly sure I'm using that word right)

But. I realized something today.

Imagine that you are blind. And you have to go to the bathroom, like, really bad. And somehow your seeing-eye dog knows how to get you to the outside of the bathroom. Somehow. So, you're standing outside, and you just know that there are two doors somewhere in the vicinity. How are you supposed to find them? And when you do, how do you know which one to use?

So, we all know that the doors have little braille letters distinguishing the men's and lady's rooms. But how is the blind person supposed to find the tiny braille letters? 

This, ladies and gentlemen, is the issue. Braille letters on bathroom signs are USELESS because blind people cannot see where the braille is located. Did you ever think of that?

They just have to feel around everywhere for however long it takes- most likely until they've already peed their pants (remember, the hypothetical blind person had to go really bad)- until they find the braille and can decide which door to use. And then, they have to find the door handle. And then the toilets. And then the sinks. The soap. The paper towels. And then the door again.

This is a very sad, bad situation. 


Audrey said...

And don't forget... they still have that dog tripping them along the way to finding the toilet, the soap, the paper towels.. This seems very unsanitary for the dog. Yuck!

Ron and Maggie said...

hahaha!!! this made me laugh.. very very true!!