Friday, July 16, 2010

Happy Harry Potter 6 day.

5 years ago today Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince was released. July 16, 2005.

In preparation, I read all the books and I made shirts in graphics class with Mr. Gardner. They were lime green with black letters so they matched the book.

I spent the weekend, once again, at my cousin Nicole's house in Syracuse, Utah. We went to Barnes and Noble in Layton, Utah, and were eleventh and twelfth in a line of hundreds of people. It was beautiful. I'm not sure I had ever been more excited about anything in my entire life.

We read and cried and did the Harry Potter Happy Dance (copyright Audrey and Nicole, 2005).

And when I got home I read it again and then again. And I used my experience at the midnight release for a paper I wrote for Mrs. Barben in AP Language. I think that makes me a big nerd. I then made the paper I wrote into a story book/scrapbook to forever cement the memories.

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