Wednesday, October 7, 2009

The healthiest place to be reports that the Provo-Orem, Utah area is ranked number 1 as most sober and most smoke free in the United States. It is ranked #2, after Boulder, Colorado, as "The most fit." More than 64% of citizens in the Provo and Orem exercise regularly.

I think I live in the healthiest place in the United States.

On the flip side, Washington, D.C. ranks #1 in "smartest state," and #2 in most literate. I'm pretty sure that's the place to be if you want to be smart.

Both of my favorite places (besides St. George, of course), BYU and Washington, are amazingly ranked as places in the United States to live. I think I have some sort of innate wisdom to love these places. Or maybe that's why I like them. Because they are the best.

Here is a link to the webites with all the stats.

That's all.


Jasmine said...

woot provo! atleast one good thing about P town. but I'm glad boulder is on there cause thats my next vacation! I think AFA is actually in Fort Collins which is closer to Colorado Springs. I LOVE CO!

Unknown said...

I saw that about DC being the number one smartest place. Go us! I hope that our four months there will pay off this semester! :)

dani said...

yay! let's go jogging!

ha...just kidding :)